Mariusz Grudniak
Polish Stem Cell Bank, Warsaw, Poland FamiCord Group
Title: New insights into Alzheimer disease and potential mesenchymal stromal cell therapy
Biography: Mariusz Grudniak
Alzheimer’s Disease is a non treatable condition affecting more and more people every year. There are many clinical trials concerning treatment of this disease, but none has finished with positive results so far. The aim of this study was to evaluate possible correlations between Alzheimer’s Disease and the alterations in cytokine/chemokine level in the serum of 20 patients in the various stage of the disease and 10 healthy volunteers as a control. The stem cell therapy is a very fast developing branch of medicine. Very interesting from the scientific point of view seem to be the co-culture of stem cells and limfocytes obtaining from patients and healthy donors. Cord tissue was the source of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC). Investigated interactions between MSC and limfocytes was measured by obtaining supernatant after 1, 3, and 7 days of co-culture. The conditions allowed or preserve of direct cell-to-cell interaction from paracrinne effect due to physical barriers. The preliminary findings of this investigation showed interesting relations between cells resulting in cytokine levels. One of the proposed explanation of beta-amyloid plaques creation is the dysregulation of immunological system. Th2 lymphocytes cannot compensate increased activity of Th1 lymphocytes and their overproduction of proinflamatory cytokines. This situation has the negative outcomes. It is the inability to control the production of beta-amyloid that in particular is not eliminated and leads to neuronal death. Additional is microglia incorrect activity which is able in physiological conditions to establish protein homeostasis in central nervous system.